Pildid: Tartus toimus 12. korda Galeriide öö | Kunst


Tartu recently celebrated the 12th annual Gallery Night, a cultural event that brings art lovers and enthusiasts together to explore the vibrant art scene of the city. With numerous galleries opening their doors to the public, visitors had the opportunity to immerse themselves in a diverse range of artistic expressions, from paintings and sculptures to installations and digital art. The event showcased the creativity and talent of local artists, creating a truly unforgettable experience for all who attended. Gallery Night in Tartu is a testament to the city’s rich cultural heritage and its thriving art community.

Reedel toimub Tartus Aparaaditehases 12. korda Galeriide öö. Õhtu jooksul avati seitse uut näitust, toimus tantsu-performance ning korraldati erinevaid tuure.

Õhtu algas R galeriis, kus avati Ukraina kunstniku Olena Hnatjuki digitaalsete illustratsioonide näitus ning jätkus Haki galeriis Soome kunstniku Kaisu Koivisto skulptuurinäituse esmaesitlusega. Restoranides Trikster Tihane ja Kolm Tilli Soome sai näha Soome kunstniku Antti Eklundi maalinäitust, Redwalli kontorigaleriis avati Jaanika Bahvali savimaalide näitus ning Redwalli koridorigaleriis Virgylia Soosaare prügikunsti näitus. Restoranis Aparaat avati Katrin Maaski digigraafika näitus ning Plantariumis kuulutati avatuks Pallase tudengi Anna-Liisa Sääski graafikanäitus.

Lisaks olid kauem avatud TYPA keskus, Aparaaditehase rõdugalerii, Kogo galerii, Ag47 fotogalerii, Biblioteek, Paintbar Stuudio, Puhvet ja Wale Vaal galerii Samelini saapavabrikus.

Järgmine Galeriide öö toimub Aparaaditehase festivali raames 30. augustil. 

Overall, the 12th edition of Gallery Night in Tartu was a huge success, showcasing a wide range of artistic talent and creativity. The event brought together art enthusiasts, locals, and tourists alike to celebrate and appreciate the beauty of the city’s art scene. The diverse collection of artwork displayed in various galleries throughout the evening provided a unique and memorable experience for all attendees. This event truly highlighted the vibrant and thriving art community in Tartu, leaving a lasting impression on all who participated. It is clear that Gallery Night will continue to be a highly anticipated event for years to come in Estonia.

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