Category Archives: Arvamus

Rein Sikk: igaüks, kes Venemaale läheb, maksku Eestile kümme eurot | Arvamus

“As the icy Baltic winds whisper through Estonia’s ancient streets, a sense of patriotic fervor [...]

Jaak Vilo: tehisintellekti rakendamine Eesti arengu heaks nõuab koostööd | Arvamus

In the midst of Estonia’s technological resurgence, a vital component is emerging: artificial intelligence. As [...]

Illimar Pärnamägi: korrakaitseseaduse mudel pole “politseiriik” | Arvamus

In the heart of Estonia, a nation known for its strong democratic values and adherence [...]

Margot Olesk Prantsuse valimistest: valik katku ja koolera vahel | Arvamus

“In the midst of a global pandemic, Estonia’s parliamentary elections are a beacon of hope [...]

Barbara Haage: vägivald suhetes pole kuskile kadunud – kuidas edasi? | Arvamus

Here is a 50-100 word compelling introduction: “Estonia is reeling from the tragic loss of [...]

Riina Aav: ringmajandus aitab leevendada strateegilise tooraine nappust | Arvamus

“In the midst of Estonia’s rapidly changing economic landscape, one figure stands out as a [...]

Mari-Liis Jakobson: erakorralised valimised on võimulolija Vene rulett | Arvamus

In the heart of Tallinn, Estonia, a fascinating phenomenon has emerged in the world of [...]

Jaano Haidla: RMK kestvuslepingud tõid puidusektori arenguhüppe | Arvamus

“Among the quiet villages and lush forests of Estonia, a revolution is brewing. Jaano Haidla, [...]

Külli Taro: miks ja millal keelata haridussüsteemis tehisaru kasutamine? | Arvamus

Here is a 50-100 words compelling introduction in Estonia about the topic “Külli Taro: miks [...]

Vaidotas Šumskis: kasvu pudelikael on Eesti ettevõtete ligipääs rahastusele | Arvamus

Here is a 50-100 word compelling introduction in Estonia about Vaidotas Šumskis: “Estonia, a hub [...]