Category Archives: Majandus

Võrklaev soovitas Rail Balticu ettevõtte viia börsile | Majandus

In the heart of Eastern Europe, a revolutionary transportation project is poised to disrupt the [...]

Kohus teeb lõpuks otsuse Olympicu väikeaktsionäride hüvitise osas | Majandus

“Following a lengthy battle in the courts, the Estonian Supreme Court has finally made a [...]

Energiamüüja 220 Energia ühines Alexelaga | Majandus

Here’s a 50-100 words compelling introduction in Estonia about the topic: “Estonia, known for its [...]

Mitme Eesti tanklaketi müügitulu mullu vähenes | Majandus

Estonia, a nation renowned for its thriving economy and innovative spirit, has faced an unexpected [...]

Eesti kaubavahetus hakkas mais taas kahanema | Majandus

Estonia, a beacon of digital innovation and economic resilience, is facing a new challenge. The [...]

Maailma suurte aktsiaturgude buumi ajal Eesti aktsiaturg langeb | Majandus

“In the midst of the global stock market bubble, Estonia’s stock exchange is facing unprecedented [...]

Nordica majandusraskused tekitasid Transpordi Varahaldusele suure kahjumi | Majandus

“Estonia’s economy has been grappling with the challenges of the Nordic financial crisis, with the [...]

Maailma suuurte aktsiaturgude buumi ajal Eesti aktsiaturg langeb | Majandus

“Estonia, a small country, but a giant in the world of economies. In the midst [...]

Tallinna ja Utilitase ühisfirma teenis viie kuuga seitse miljonit kasumit | Majandus

“Making headlines in the economic landscape, Taleo Group, a joint undertaking between Tallinn and Utilitus, [...]

Eesti Energia laenas 7,875-protsendise intressiga 400 miljonit | Majandus

“Estonia’s energy giant, Eesti Energia, has taken a bold step to revitalize the country’s economy. [...]