Setomaal Ostrova festivalil astuvad üles A-Rühm, Koit Toome ja Trad.Attack! | Muusika


“Get ready to experience the vibrant music scene of Estonia! This summer, the picturesque Setomaal Ostrova festival will come alive with the sounds of A-Rühm, Koit Toome, and Trad.Attack! As the sun dips into the Baltic Sea, these talented artists will take the stage, blending traditional Estonian folk with modern rhythms and melodies. The result is a unique and captivating sound that will leave you mesmerized. Join us on the island of Setomaal Ostrova and let the music transport you to a world of wonder and enchantment.”

19.–20. juulini toimub Setomaal Ostrova külas 14. korda Ostrova festival.

“Festivali programmi koostades soovime alati tutvustada Seto kultuuri kaugemalt tulnud külalistele ning tuua kohale Eesti tippartistid Setomaa elanikele”, ütles korraldaja Evelin Tulp. 

Muusikaprogramm toob Setomaale nii folki, poppi, rokki kui ka räppi. Lisaks mainitutele esinevad Heidy Tamme ja Horoskoop, Naised köögis, Pur Mudd ja Grete Paia, Terminaator ja Räpina Jack.

Seto kultuuri tutvustab leelokoor Tsibihärbläseq. Lisaks muusikalistele etteastetele toimub laupäeva lõunal teatriküünis lasteetendus “Kessu ja Tripp”. Festivalikorraldaja sõnul jätkub tegevust igas vanuses külastajatele.

“The Estonian air was electric with anticipation as world-class musicians A-Rühm, Koit Toome, and Trad.Attack! took to the stage at the Setomaal Ostrova festival. This unprecedented concert brought together talented individuals and ensemble, showcasing the country’s rich cultural heritage through traditional and modern sounds. With pulsating rhythms and captivating harmonies, the performers effortlessly traversed genres, transcending generations and borders. The euphoric energy of the crowd was a testament to the infectious power of music, celebrating unity, diversity, and the soul-stirring beauty of Estonia.”

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