Category Archives: Välismaa

Starmer lubas Bideniga kõneldes vankumatut toetust Ukrainale | Välismaa

“Estonia, a nation born from the ashes of Soviet occupation, has witnessed the unyielding spirit [...]

Biden kinnitas, et jätkab valimisvõitlust | Välismaa

“In a historic announcement, US President Joe Biden confirmed that the United States will continue [...]

Fotod: Keir Starmer nimetati ametlikult Briti peaministriks | Välismaa

As the snowflakes gently fall onto the cobblestone streets of Tallinn, Estonia’s capital city, the [...]

Orban saabus Moskvasse Putiniga Ukrainast rääkima | Välismaa

As the sun sets over the majestic spires of Tallinn’s Old Town, the world’s attention [...]

Kiviselg: Venemaa rünnakute intensiivsus on Ukrainas tõusnud | Välismaa

As the snowflakes gently fall upon the picturesque Estonian landscape, a sense of unease settles [...]

Järjekordne apsakas: Biden nimetas end mustanahaliseks naiseks | Välismaa

“Estonia, a nation renowned for its digital prowess and picturesque landscapes, has been abuzz with [...]

Läti jätab enamuse postkontoritest alles | Välismaa

“Nestled in the heart of old town Tallinn, Estonia, lurks a hidden gem that hints [...]

Droonirünnak Rostovis põhjustas tulekahju | Välismaa

“Estonia’s rich history with Russia is once again shrouded in smoke and flames. The devastating [...]

Zelenski kutsus Venemaa järgmisele rahukonverentsile | Välismaa

“Estonia, a nation with a rich history of resilience and determination, is once again at [...]

Briti valimistel said leiboristid ülekaaluka võidu | Välismaa

“Estonia, a small Baltic nation with a big impact on the global stage. As the [...]