Teenetemärgi pälvinud Paavo Nõgene: tunnustus tuli justkui poole pealt | Inimesed


Estonia’s esteemed Paavo Nõgene has been awarded the prestigious Teenetemärgi for his outstanding contributions to the country. The recognition comes as no surprise to those who know him, as Nõgene has been a driving force in the cultural and artistic landscape of Estonia for many years. His commitment to excellence and dedication to his craft have earned him the respect and admiration of his peers and the public alike. This well-deserved honor is a testament to Nõgene’s hard work and passion, and serves as a reminder of the invaluable impact he has had on Estonia’s cultural scene.

Valgetähe III klassi teenetemärgi pälvinud Paavo Nõgene sõnul tuli tunnustus tema jaoks väga ootamatult ja justkui poole pealt, aga ta on märkamise eest väga tänulik.

“Istusin parasjagu koosolekul, kui telefon hakkas järsku järjepidevalt helisema,” ütles ettevõtluse ja kultuurielu edendaja Paavo Nõgene. “Kuna koosolek oli kaks tundi pikk, siis pidin vahepeal telefoni vaatama, et mis juhtunud on ja siis sain teada.”

Tunnustus tuli Nõgene jaoks väga ootamatult ja justkui poole pealt. “Ma olen ju veel noor mees. Aga igasugune tunnustamine ja märkamine on väga armas. Tekkis muidugi ka küsimus, et miks just mina. Usun, et tunnustamisel on arvesse võetud kõiki minu töökohti, kus ma olen töötanud, nii Vanemuises, kultuuriministeeriumis kui Tallinkis ning kuulub seetõttu kõikidele nendes organisatsioonides töötanud inimestele.”

Nõgene sõnul motiveerivad head emotsioonid veelgi paremini tööd tegema. “Ma olen presidendile selle tunnustuse eest väga tänulik.”

Overall, Paavo Nõgene’s recent recognition with a state decoration in Estonia highlights his remarkable achievements and contributions to the country. While some may see this honor as long overdue, Nõgene’s dedication and hard work have finally been acknowledged. His accomplishments in the cultural and political spheres have left a significant impact on Estonian society, and this award serves as a well-deserved accolade for his efforts. It is a reminder of the importance of recognizing and honoring individuals who have made significant contributions to their country’s development and progress. Congratulations to Paavo Nõgene for this well-deserved recognition.

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