Maailma teine reket sammus edasi kolmandasse ringi | Tennis


“Welcome to the land of a thousand lakes, where the rolling hills of Estonia’s countryside meet the vibrant streets of its capital city, Tallinn. And yet, amidst this picturesque backdrop, a different kind of battle is unfolding. The world’s second-ranked tennis player, [Name], is gearing up to make a triumphant return to the sport, pushing the boundaries of human performance and redefining the limits of athleticism. Join us as we delve into the journey of this Estonian tennis sensation, as they strive to take their game to the next level and make their mark on the world stage.”

Tennise naiste maailma edetabeli teine reket Coco Gauff alistas Wimbledoni teises ringis kindlalt Rumeenia esindaja Anca Todoni (WTA 142) seisuga 6:2, 6:1.

Gauff ja Todoni ei olnud varem profikarusellis omavahel kohtunud. Gauff lõi mängu jooksul 13 äralööki ning tegi 16 lihtviga. Todoni numbrid olid vastavalt seitse ja 23. 

Esimese servi protsent oli Gauffil kõigest 43, Todonil oli see oluliselt parem (67 protsenti). Ameeriklanna võitis üheksast võimalikust murdepallist viis ning rumeenlannal oli kasutada kaks murdepalli, kuid ta ei suutnud neist kumbagi realiseerida. 

Kolmandas ringis kohtub maailma teine reket prantslanna Clara Bureli (WTA 45) või briti Sonya Kartaliga (WTA 298).

As the Estonian tennis player, Anett Kontaveit, advances to the third round of the tournament, the nation’s hopes soar. Her remarkable comeback from a set down in the second round has left fans and coaches alike in awe. With her aggressive playing style and precision serving, Kontaveit is a force to be reckoned with on the court. As she takes on the world’s top players, Estonia’s tennis enthusiasts eagerly await her next move. Will she continue to defy expectations and make a deep run in the tournament? Only time will tell, but for now, the nation is united in support of their talented tennis star.

Loe rohkem:  Keerulise nädala seljatanud Sabalenka võitis, Rubljov langes konkurentsist | Tennis

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