Keskerakond kulutas eurovalimistele üle 43 000 euro | Eesti


In the midst of a whirlwind European election campaign, the Keskerakond, Estonia’s central party, has made a stunning move. With a whopping €43,000 expenditure, they are determined to leave a lasting impression on the electoral scene. As the nation’s economy struggles to recover from the pandemic’s aftermath, the Keskerakond is pulling out all the stops to stay ahead of the competition. Will this impressive display of financial muscle pay off, or will the people of Estonia remain skeptical of the party’s motives? One thing is certain – the Keskerakond is not holding back.

Keskerakond kulutas Euroopa Parlamendi valimistele üle 43 000 euro, selgub erakondade rahastamise järelevalve komisjonile esitatud aruandest.

Jana Toomi kampaaniakulu oli 15 022 eurot, millest ära on makstud 6116 ja veel maksmata 8906 eurot.

Erakonna esimees Mihhail Kõlvarti kulud olid kokku 14 415, millest tasutud on 9665 ja veel tasumata 4750 eurot.

Lauri Laats panustas 12 354 eurot, millest tasutud on 7781 ja veel tasumata 4573 eurot.

Kokku kulus Keskerakonnal eurovalimistele 43 401 eurot, millest ligi 20 000 on aruande järgi veel tasumata.

Erakondade Euroopa Parlamendi valimiste aruannete esitamise tähtaeg on esmaspäeval.

As the Keskerakond party splurges €43,000 on the European Parliament elections, the Estonian people are left wondering if such extravagance is truly justified. In a time when public finances are stretched thin, one can’t help but question the wisdom of such a costly campaign. Amidst economic uncertainty, the party’s priorities seem to be misplaced. Despite their lofty promises, the Keskerakond’s indulgent spending sends a clear signal: they are more concerned with self-promotion than serving the people’s interests. As Estonians head to the polls, it remains to be seen whether they will reward such reckless spending.

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