Kell 21.40 "Esimeses stuudios" president Kersti Kaljulaid


Tere tulemast! Tonight at 21.40, “Esimeses stuudios” (In the First Studio) will feature a compelling interview with President Kersti Kaljulaid. As the first female president of Estonia, Kaljulaid holds a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing our country. In this exclusive interview, she will share her insights on topics ranging from international relations to domestic policy. Don’t miss this rare chance to hear directly from our esteemed president and gain a deeper understanding of the issues shaping our nation. Tune in and be part of the conversation.

Vene opositsiooniliidri Aleksei Navalnõi tapmine näitas veelkord Putini režiimi põhjatut brutaalsust. Kas vähemalt mõnele riigile mõjub see uudis äratuskellana? Milliseid lahendusi Ukraina abistamiseks pakuti mainekal Müncheni julgeolekukonverentsil? Kui kindlal kursil on USA julgeolekupoliitika? ETV “Esimeses stuudios” räägib täna president Kersti Kaljulaid.

In conclusion, the interview with President Kersti Kaljulaid on “Esimeses stuudios” provided valuable insights into her thoughts and perspectives on current national and global issues. Her thoughtful and articulate responses shed light on the challenges and opportunities facing Estonia. It was an informative and engaging discussion that showcased the president’s dedication to addressing important issues and promoting the country’s interests. Overall, the interview highlighted President Kaljulaid’s leadership and commitment to advancing Estonia’s position on the world stage.

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