Estiko tegevjuht Kristo Seli lahkus Tartu volikogust | Raadiouudised


Tartu City Council’s recent shake-up saw the departure of Estiko’s CEO, Kristo Seli, leaving behind a void in local governance. Seli’s decision to leave the council has caused a stir, sparking speculation about the reasons behind his abrupt departure. With his wealth of experience and influence in both local politics and business, Seli’s absence will undoubtedly be felt in the council. The news of his resignation has left citizens and colleagues alike wondering about the future of Tartu’s leadership and the impact of Seli’s departure on both the political and business landscapes in Estonia.

Estiko grupi tegevjuht, Reformierakonda kuuluv Kristo Seli lahkus Tartu linnavolikogust.

Tema volitused lõppesid eile. Lisaks kultuurikomisjoni juhtimisele kuulus Seli volikogu arengu- ja planeerimiskomisjoni. Seli asemel tuleb volikokku Harri Jallajas. Kristo Seli ütles Jane Saluorule, et Estiko juhi töögraafik on tihe, tal on olnud järjest keerulisem leida aega volikogu töös kaasa löömiseks ja seetõttu tunduski mõistlik volikogust lahkuda.

In conclusion, the decision of Estiko’s CEO Kristo Seli to resign from the Tartu City Council will have an impact on both the company and the local government. Seli’s departure will likely lead to changes in leadership within the council and potentially affect the company’s relationship with the city. It will be interesting to see how this decision will influence the dynamics of local politics and business in Tartu. Overall, Seli’s resignation will undoubtedly have ripple effects in the community and within Estiko.

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