Walesi koondise peatreeneriks sai Bellamy | Jalgpall


“Estonia’s football enthusiasts are abuzz with excitement as the national team gears up for a new era under the leadership of none other than Craig Bellamy, the legendary Welsh striker turned coach. With a storied playing career that took him to the likes of Liverpool and Manchester City, Bellamy brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the dugout. As the new head coach of the Wales national team, he’s set to bring his winning mentality and tactical acumen to Estonia, where he’ll look to inspire a new generation of players and write a fresh chapter in the country’s football history.”

Walesi jalgpalliliit teatas, et nende jalgpallikoondise uueks peatreeneriks saab Craig Bellamy, kellega sõlmiti leping 2028. aastani.

Eelmine peatreener Rob Page vallandati juunikuus, kuna Walesil ei õnnestunud EM-finaalturniirile pääseda.

Endine Manchester City, Liverpooli ja Newcastle Unitedi ründaja Bellamy esindas mängijana Walesi 78 korral ja lõi 19 väravat. Mängijakarjääri lõpetas ta 2014. aastal ja on pärast seda töötanud treenerina Cardiff City U-18 meeskonnaga, lisaks oli ta nii Anderlechtis kui Burnleys Vincent Kompany abitreener.

“See on väga suur au, et mulle on antud võimalik asuda enda kodumaa koondise peatreeneriks. See on mu karjääri üks uhkemaid hetki,” ütles Bellamy. “See oli mu suur unistus saada Walesi koondise peatreeneriks, olen selleks väljakutseks valmis.”

In Estonia, the excitement is palpable as Craig Bellamy takes the reins as the new head coach of the Wales national team. As a former Welsh international and successful club manager, Bellamy’s appointment brings a fresh perspective and new energy to the squad. With his expertise and passion for the game, he is poised to lead Wales to new heights in international football. The Estonian fans eagerly await the chance to see Bellamy’s vision come to life, as Wales takes on the world’s best teams.

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