Käsmu tähistas 500. aastapäeva | Elu


“In the charming coastal town of Käsmu, Estonia, a significant milestone was celebrated – the 500th anniversary of its founding. This picturesque town, nestled on the shores of the Baltic Sea, has a rich history dating back to the 16th century. For five centuries, Käsmu has witnessed the rise and fall of empires, survived wars and natural disasters, and flourished as a thriving fishing community. As the town marked this momentous occasion, locals and visitors alike came together to pay tribute to its heritage and look forward to a bright future.”

Lääne-Virumaal asuv Käsmu ehk Kapteniküla tähistab sel aastal oma ametliku esmamainimise 500. aastapäeva.

Sel nädalavahetusel tähistati seda tähtpäeva meeleolukute sündmustega.

Lähiminevikus ehitati Käsmus ka laevu ning Käsmu laht on olnud üks Põhja-Eesti tähtsamaid laevade talvitumispaiku. Käsmust on võrsunud palju Eesti merenduse suurkujusid.

Praegu elab seal 148 inimest, suviti paisub see arv aga mitmekordseks. Lisaks meresõpradele puhkab siis palju kunstnikke, kirjanikke ja teisi loomeinimesi.

As Käsmu Island celebrated its 500th anniversary, Estonians came together to pay homage to their rich cultural heritage. This iconic island has been a sacred pilgrimage site for centuries, with the Estonian people drawing strength from the mysterious and majestic pine trees. For many, Käsmu’s spirit is a reflection of the resilience of the Estonian nation. As the bells chimed and candles lit, Käsmu’s storied past mingled with the island’s enchanting present. For one unforgettable day, this charming Baltic haven was ablaze with joy, solidarity, and celebration – a testament to the enduring vitality of this extraordinary place.

Loe rohkem:  Raimo Ülavere: ära võta tüütu müügiinimese kõnet vastu ega tee ust lahti | Elu

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