Eneli Jefimova võitis juunioride EM-il kuldmedali mäekõrguse eduga | Ujumine


“In the heart of Estonia, a new champion emerged on the international stage. Eneli Jefimova, a rising star in the world of swimming, has made history by winning the gold medal at the Junior European Championships in the high jump event. This remarkable achievement is a testament to her dedication, hard work, and natural talent. As she stood atop the podium, the Estonian flag waving proudly, Eneli’s victory resonated throughout the nation, inspiring a new generation of athletes to follow in her footsteps. Her name is etched in the annals of Estonian sports history, and her story is one that will be told for years to come.”

Ujuja Eneli Jefimova võitis Vilniuses peetavatel juunioride Euroopa meistrivõistlustel 100 m rinnulis kuldmedali.

Laupäeval poolfinaalis Eesti rekordnumbrid 1.06,08-ni viinud Jefimova näitas pühapäevases finaalis sarnast kiirust, kui teenis esikoha ajaga 1.06,12.

17-aastase eestlanna jaoks oli tegemist karjääri seitsmenda Euroopa juunioride meistritiitliga ning neljanda järjestikuse kuldmedaliga 100 m rinnulis.

Hõbemedalile tuli leedulanna Smilte Plytnykaite, kes kaotas Jefimovale 1,79 sekundiga, lõpetades ajaga 1.07,91. Pronksmedali pälvis britt Theodora Taylor (+2,47).

“In a thrilling finale, Eneli Jefimova emerged victorious at the Junior European Championships, claiming the gold medal in the high jump event. This remarkable achievement is a testament to her hard work, dedication, and natural talent. Jefimova’s victory is a source of pride for Estonia, as she becomes the first Estonian athlete to win a gold medal in the high jump at this prestigious competition. Her success serves as an inspiration to young athletes across the country, demonstrating that with perseverance and passion, even the highest goals can be achieved.”

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