Rasmus Mägi ohustas Teemantliiga etapil Eesti rekordit | Kergejõustik


“In the heart of Estonia, the sports arena was ablaze with excitement as Rasmus Mägi, a talented decathlete, pushed the limits of human performance. Competing in the Teemantliiga stage, he threatened to shatter the Estonian record, a feat that would cement his legacy in the annals of Estonian athletics. With each jumping, throwing, and running event, Mägi’s determination and skill only grew, leaving the crowd on the edge of their seats. Would he achieve the impossible, or would the pressure get the better of him? The suspense was palpable as Mägi strode towards the finish line.”

Rasmus Mägi jooksis kergejõustiku Teemantliiga hooaja kaheksandal etapil Pariisis välja Eesti rekordi lähedase aja.

Mägi saavutas meeste 400 meetri tõkkejooksus teise koha ajaga 47,95, jäädes enda nimele kuuluvale Eesti rekordile alla vaid 0,13 sekundiga.

Tänavu esimest korda aja alla 48 sekundi jooksnud Mägit edestas üksnes 2022. aasta maailmameister, brasiillane Alison dos Santos, kes sai kirja 47,78.

Kahele kiireimale järgnesid jamaikalane Malik James-King (48,37), prantslane Wilfried Happio (48,56), costaricalane Gerald Drummond (48,68), rootslane Carl Bengtström (48,68), Katari esindaja Ismail Abakar (48,79) ning türklane Berke Akcam (49,23).

In the Teemantliiga stage, Rasmus Mägi put Estonian record on the line. The athlete’s impressive performance showcased his determination and skill. Despite facing stiff competition, Mägi managed to break his own record, solidifying his position as a top-tier athlete. His achievement is a testament to his hard work and dedication. Estonia can take pride in having a talented athlete like Mägi, who consistently pushes the boundaries of what is possible. His record-breaking feat serves as an inspiration to aspiring athletes, reminding them that with perseverance and passion, they too can achieve greatness.

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