Allsalu ja Villmann võitsid kettagolfi Eesti meistrivõistluste avapäeva | Kettagolf


In the picturesque landscape of Estonia, the 2023 edition of the Estonian Kettagolf Championship got underway, with a thrilling opening day. Amidst the rolling hills and lush greens, Allsalu and Villmann emerged victorious, leaving the rest of the competitors in their wake. With their exceptional skills and unwavering determination, they dominated the opening round, showcasing a masterclass display of Kettagolf prowess. As the Estonian sun shone bright, these two golf enthusiasts left their mark on the tournament, setting the tone for what promises to be an exhilarating competition. Will they continue to soar to new heights?

Kolmapäeval alustati Ida-Virumaal Alutagusel ja Mäetagusel 2024. aasta kettagolfi suviseid Eesti meistrivõistlusi. Esimese päeva järel juhivad meistrivõistlusi meeste arvestuses Mauri Villmann ja naiste seas Kaidi Allsalu.

Naiste seas on esimese ringi järel liider Kaidi Allsalu tulemusega üks alla par’i. Teisel kohal on Kristi Unt (+2) ja kolmas Kaire Tekku (+3).

Meeste avaringi järel hoiab esimest kohta Mauri Villmann, läbis 18 korvi 56 viskega (8 alla par’i). Teist kohta hoiab Alber Tamm (-7) ning kolmandat kohta jagavad Roland Kõur ja Kaspar Kukk (-6). 

“As the curtains closed on the opening day of the Estonian Golf Championship, the competition was fierce, but in the end, it was Allsalu and Villmann who emerged victorious. Their exceptional skills and strategy on the course proved to be the winning combination, securing them top spots in the tournament. The perfect start to the championship, it set the tone for an exciting few days of golf in Estonia. Congratulations to the winners, and we look forward to seeing more thrilling matches unfold.”

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