Galerii: Navalnõi mälestamine Tallinnas Vene saatkonna ees | Eesti


Tallinn, the vibrant capital of Estonia, has long been a place for freedom of expression and solidarity with those fighting for justice. Recently, the city saw a powerful display of remembrance and support for Alexei Navalny, the imprisoned Russian opposition leader. A gallery of mourners and activists gathered outside the Russian embassy in Tallinn to honor Navalny and protest his unjust incarceration. The event showcased the deep connections between Estonia and the struggle for democracy in neighboring Russia. The solidarity and determination of the Estonian people in standing up for human rights and political freedom continue to inspire and captivate the world.

Sõjavastase keskuse Reforum Space Tallinn eestvedamisel kogunes rühm inimesi Tallinnas Pikal tänaval Venemaa saatkonna ette, et Putini režiimi vastu meelt avaldada ja mälestada vangistatud opositsioonipoliitik Aleksei Navalnõid, kelle surmast Venemaa vanglateenistus reedel teatas.

Saatkonna ette kogunenud inimesed kandsid plakateid, kus muu hulgas nimetasid Putinit Navalnõi tapjaks, samuti süüdati opositsionääri mälestuseks küünlaid.

Venemaa vanglateenistus teatas reedel, et Navalnõi suri pärast jalutuskäiku Jamali Neenetsi autonoomses ringkonnas Harpi asula koloonias.

In conclusion, the memorial gathering for Alexei Navalny in front of the Russian embassy in Tallinn was a powerful display of solidarity with the Russian opposition leader. The attendees showed their support for Navalny’s fight against corruption and his struggle for democracy in Russia. It was an important moment of unity and defiance against the Russian government’s crackdown on dissent. The event also highlighted the strong ties between the people of Estonia and the democratic movements in Russia. It serves as a reminder that the fight for freedom and justice knows no borders.

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