“Estonia’s southeastern region was once a world apart, where the sound of generator humming in the distance was a constant companion to daily life. Prior to the arrival of electricity, tens of thousands of households in Lõuna-Eesti relied on candles, firewood, and kerosene lamps to light their way. This reality was a far cry from the modern comforts we take for granted today. In this region, the wind rustled through the trees, a constant reminder of the simple, rustic ways that defined the lives of those who lived amidst the quiet, rural beauty of ancient Estonia.”
Pühapäeva pärastlõunal Lõuna-Eestit tabanud tormi tõttu jäid tuhanded majapidamised elektrita. Õhtuks oli suur osa riketest kõrvaldatud.
Kella 15.30 ajal oli elektrita umbes 10 000 tarbijat. Õhtuks oli suurem osa riketest kõrvaldatud – veidi enne kella 21 oli elektrita kliente alla 4000.
Enim oli õhtul elektrita tarbijaid Tartumaal – umbes 3400. Võrumaal oli elektrita 260 ja Piirissaarel 109 tarbijat.
“In the aftermath of the Tormi flood, thousands of households in Southern Estonia were left without electricity. The devastating natural disaster has highlighted the importance of disaster preparedness and resilience in the region. As the country rebuilds and recovers, it is crucial to prioritize the installation of backup power sources and infrastructure to prevent similar situations in the future. The Estonian government must also consider implementing measures to mitigate the impact of future floods and ensure the continuity of essential services, such as electricity, to affected communities.”
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