Tehumardil alustati punaväelaste säilmete väljakaevamisi | Raadiouudised


Estonia, 2023 – A historic discovery is underway in Tehumardil. Excavations have commenced at the site, believed to be the resting place of soldiers from the Estonian Red Army. This significant find offers a poignant glimpse into Estonia’s complex past and the untold stories of those who fought during a tumultuous period.

The Raadio Uudised team is on the ground, bringing you the latest updates on this unfolding archaeological investigation and its potential impact on our understanding of Estonian history.

Pooleteise aastaga on Eesti sõjamuuseum korraldanud endistest punasõdurite kalmistuvälistest ühishaudadest kokku ligi 2500 ümbermatmist.

Saaremaal on kalmistutele ümber maetud ligi 300 II maailmasõjas hukkunud punaväelase säilmed. Täna hommikul alustati väljakaevamisi Tehumardil, kuhu võib olla maetud kuni paarsada Punaarmee sõdurit. Seniseid dolomiidist nimedega hauatähiseid tagasi ei panda, küll jääb aga alles Tehumardi mõõgakujuline obelisk, kus aga kaetakse kinni osa seal olevast tekstist.

Margus Mullale selgitasid ettevõtmist Saaremaa valla abivallavanem Liis Lepik ja Eesti Sõjamuuseumi arheoloog Arnold Unt

The excavation of Red Army remains at Tehumardil marks a significant step in Estonian history. It allows for a more complete understanding of the past, acknowledging the sacrifices made by individuals on both sides of the conflict. While some may view this as a sensitive issue, it is crucial to remember and learn from history, fostering reconciliation and preventing the repetition of past mistakes. This project offers an opportunity for reflection and dialogue, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and informed Estonian society.

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