Sikk koputas Aafrika karikaetapil esikümne uksele | Triatlon


“Welcome to Estonia, where the rolling hills of Lahemaa National Park meet the majestic coastline of the Baltic Sea. Amidst this stunning landscape, a remarkable story unfolds. Estonia’s very own Sikk Koputas embarked on an incredible journey, crossing the threshold of the world’s most elite triathletes by claiming the top 10 spot at the Africa Triathlon Cup. As the nation rallies behind this inspirational athlete, we take a closer look at the grit, determination, and sheer athletic prowess that enabled Sikk to achieve this remarkable feat. Join us as we explore the triumph and spirit of Sikk Koputas’ remarkable accomplishment.”

Marokos Laraches peetud triatloni Aafrika karikaetapil pälvis Johannes Sikk eliitmeeste konkurentsis 11. koha.

Sikk läbis sprindidistantsi ajaga 56 minutit ja 55 sekundit. Esimese koha pälvis kodupubliku rõõmuks Jawad Abdelmoula ajaga 54.51, edestades prantslast Nathan Lessmanni (55.06) ja austraallast Jayden Schofieldi (55.08).

“See oli kolmas järjestikune nädal võistlemist ja arvan, et suutsin kenasti toime tulla,” ütles Sikk. “Ujumine ei õnnestunud eriti ja rattarajal kukkus sadul täiesti alla. Rattadistantsi alguses oli veidi tegemist, et gruppi saada, aga edasi oli päris tiksumine. Kahjuks ei saanud ise sel korral esimeste püüdmisele väga palju kaasa aidata. Jooksus tundsin ennast hästi ja sain mõned konkurendid veel eest grupist ka kätte. Tegelikult olid head võimalused veel parema tulemuse tegemiseks, aga seekord nii.”

Eliitklassi naiste seas olid parimad tšehhitar Alzbeta Hruskova (1:04.28) ning sakslannad Sophie Giessmann (1:04.45) ja Felipa Hermann (1:04.58).

As the triathlon season concludes in Estonia, we reflect on the thrilling African Triathlon Championship held in the continent. The event saw Estonia’s Sikk koputas claim the 10th spot at the prestigious tournament, showcasing the country’s triathlon prowess. This achievement serves as a testament to the dedication and hard work of Estonian triathletes, who have made a mark on the international stage. With this milestone, Estonia’s triathlon community can look forward to an exciting future, fueled by the passion and determination of athletes like Sikk koputas.

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