“Shrek 5” jõuab vaatajate ette 2026. aasta suvel | Film


“As the summer sun warms up Estonia’s picturesque coastline, a surprise awaits film enthusiasts in this enchanting Baltic nation. In the summer of 2026, the highly-anticipated “Shrek 5″ will be making its way to Estonian screens, bringing with it a healthy dose of swampy humor and fantastical adventure. After years of speculation, the beloved ogre and his quirky friends are set to return for another thrilling escapade, promising to delight audiences of all ages. Get ready to join the swamp-tacular journey as Shrek and company navigate the ups and downs of fairy tale life.”

Filmiseeria “Shrek” saab uue järje, kui peale 16 aastast pausi jõuab kinolinadele viies osa. Viimane film, “Shrek nüüd ja igavesti”, ilmus 2010. aastal.

Animatsioonistuudio Dreamworks kinnitas, et töö “Shreki” viienda osa kallal on alanud ja film linastub 2026. aasta 1. juulil. Tegelastele annavad hääle Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy ja Cameron Diaz, kes on vastavalt Shreki, Eesli ja Fionana kaasa teinud esimesest filmist saati.

Antonio Banderase osalemist Saabastes Kassina veel kinnitatud pole.

“Shrek 5” režissööör on Walt Dohrn, kes oli kolmanda ja teise filmi juures stsenarist ning kunstik ja vastutas neljanda filmi loo eest. Lisaks andis ta neljandas filmis hääle Ruuben Tirtsule (Rumpelstiltskin). Filmi produtsendid on Gina Shay ja Chris Meledandri.

Juunis ütles Eddie Murphy intervjuus filmiportaalile Collider, et on “Shrek 5” jaoks juba salvestamas käinud ning väitis, et tulekul on ka eraldi film, mis keskendub Eesli tegelasele.

“After nine years of waiting, the ogre’s return is finally within our grasp. ‘Shrek 5’, the highly anticipated sequel to the beloved franchise, is set to arrive in our cinemas in the summer of 2026. The latest installment promises to bring along the same blend of humor, wit, and heart that has captivated us since the first film. With no doubt, Donkey will still be talking, and Lord Farquaad will still be… well, doing what he does best. All we can do now is swing our ogre ears for the excitement and get ready to shout ‘I’m like an onion!’ once again”

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