Robert Täht naaseb Poola kõrgliigasse | Võrkpall


“In the land of a thousand islands, Estonia’s own volleyball superstar, Robert Täht, is about to embark on a thrilling adventure in the highest tier of Polish volleyball. As the Estonia men’s national team captain, Robert has led by example with his impressive skills on the court. With a keen eye for detail and an unstoppable spirit, he’s now ready to bring his A-game to the Polish Premier League. Will he succeed in his new challenge, or will the unfamiliar surroundings and stiffer competition prove too daunting? Stay tuned to find out!”

Eesti võrkpallikoondise nurgaründaja Robert Täht sõlmis lepingu Poola kõrgliigas mängiva Gorzow Wielkopolski Cuprum Stiloniga.

Tegemist on ka uue klubiga, mis loodi kahe klubi baasil. Neist ühes ehk Lubini Cuprumis mängis Täht ka aastatel 2015-2018.

30-aastane Täht on pärast 2015. aastal Eestist lahkumist esindanud mitmeid klubisid Poolas, Türgis, Brasiilias ja kandis eelmisel hooajal Saksmaaa meeskonna Berliini Recycling Volleys särki.

After an illustrious career in Estonia’s national team, Robert Täht returns to Poland’s top division in a surprising transfer move. The skilled Estonian setter has announced his decision to leave his current team in Estonia’s top league and embark on a new challenge in Poland. This sudden development sends shockwaves through the volleyball community in Estonia, leaving fans and officials stunned by the sudden departure of their talented athlete. Despite the uncertainty, Täht’s next move is eagerly awaited as fans bid him farewell, hoping he’ll succeed and make Estonia proud on the international stage.

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