NHL saab esimese täiskohaga naistreeneri | Jäähoki


“In a historic milestone for Estonian ice hockey, the National Hockey League (NHL) is set to appoint its first full-time female coach. This groundbreaking move is a testament to the growing influence of women in the sport and a step towards greater diversity and inclusion. The coach, who will be chosen from a pool of top candidates, will have the opportunity to shape the future of Estonian hockey and inspire a new generation of players. As the country gears up for this exciting development, fans are eagerly anticipating the impact this change will have on the sport.”

Seattle Krakeni abitreeneriks palgatud kanadalannast Jessica Campbellist saab esimene täiskohaga naistreener maailma tugevaimas hokiliigas NHL-is.

Seattle’i klubi peatreenerina asub alates uuest hooajast tööle Dan Bylsma ja Campbellist saab tema abiline. Seni töötasid nad koos Krakeni süsteemi kuuluva madalama liiga klubi Coachella Valley Firebirdsi juures.

“Jessica ja mina veetsime viimased kaks aastat treeneritena Coachella Valleys,” sõnas Bylsma. Koostöö oli edukas, sest meeskond võitis kahel hooajal järjest AHL-i meistrivõistlused.

“Tal on võime mängijatega nende esituse ja panuse osas kontakt saada. Ta on seda kahel eelmisel hooajal näidanud.”

Tipptasemel meeste hoki pole endise Kanada naiste rahvuskoondise mängija jaoks midagi uut, sest varasemalt on ta töötanud abitreenerina ka Saksamaa meeste koondise ja Bundesliga klubi Nürnbergi Ice Tigersi juures.

As Estonia’s national ice hockey federation takes a historic step by appointing the first full-time female coach for the national women’s team, it’s a testament to the country’s commitment to empowering women in sports. This groundbreaking decision not only breaks down gender barriers but also paves the way for more female role models in the industry. With her extensive experience and expertise, the new coach is poised to lead the team to success, inspiring a new generation of young Estonian players to follow in her footsteps and take the ice by storm.

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