Malõgina jõudis Suurbritannias paarismängus poolfinaali | Tennis


Tennis fans in Estonia are celebrating as Malõgina has reached the semi-finals in doubles at a tournament in Great Britain. This impressive achievement is a testament to her skill and determination on the court. As she continues to advance through the competition, all eyes are on her as she represents Estonia on the international stage. Her success is a source of pride for fans and a reminder of the talent and potential within the Estonian tennis community. As she competes for a spot in the finals, supporters are eagerly anticipating her next match and are hopeful for continued success for Malõgina.

Elena Malõgina jõudis Suurbritannias Roehamptonis jätkuval W50 kategooria ITF-i tenniseturniiril paarismängus poolfinaali.

Malõgina ja tema britist paariline Ali Collins, kes on turniiril kolmandana asetatud, alistasid veerandfinaalis kindlalt 6:2, 6:0 Suurbritannia duo Bronte Murgetti ja Emma Wilsoni.

Poolfinaalis lähevad nad vastamisi esimesena asetatud Austraalia-Leedu paari Talia Gibsoni ja Justina Mikulskytega.

Üksikmängus Malõgina Roehamptonis põhiturniirile ei jõudnud, kvalifikatsiooni otsustavas ringis jäi ta 1:6, 4:6 alla norralanna Malene Helgöle. Maileen Nuudi läbis küll edukalt valikvõistlused, kuid kaotas põhiturniiri avaringis horvaatlanna Lea Boskovicile 0:6, 4:6.

In conclusion, Malõgina’s achievement in reaching the semi-finals of the doubles event in Great Britain is a remarkable feat for Estonian tennis. Her success at the tournament demonstrates her skill and determination on the court. This impressive performance will surely inspire aspiring young tennis players in Estonia and highlight the potential for success on the international stage. Malõgina’s accomplishment will be celebrated by the tennis community in Estonia and will hopefully pave the way for future achievements in the sport. Congratulations to her on this outstanding achievement.

Loe rohkem:  Sabalenka võitis Austraalia lahtised teist aastat järjest | Tennis

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