Kaasmaalase alistanud Priinits pääses Thbilisis 16 hulka | Vehklemine


Tbilisi has recently been abuzz with excitement as Estonian fencer Kaasmaalase alistanud Priinits advances to the round of sixteen. The talented athlete’s remarkable journey has captured the attention of fans and enthusiasts alike, showcasing Estonia’s prowess in the world of fencing. With each victory, Priinits’s name rises in prominence, bringing pride and joy to the Estonian community. As the competition heats up, all eyes are on this rising star as he continues to showcase his skill and determination on the world stage. Estonia stands proud as Priinits pääses Thbilisis 16 hulka, proving that talent knows no borders.

Eesti epeevehklejad Sten Priinits ja Filipp Djatsuk läksid Gruusias Thbilisis toimuva epeevehklemise MK-etapi põhiturniiri avaringis vastamisi ning võidu teeninud Priinits jätkas võidukalt ka teises ringis.

Ainsad kaks põhitabelisse pääsenud eestlast kohtusid avaringis, kus Priinits kaasmaalase 15:10 võiduga konkurentsist lülitas. Priinits jätkas teises ringis võidukat teekonda, kui alistas seitsmenda asetuse saanud ungarlase Gergely Siklosi 15:9.

Priinits kohtub kaheksandikfinaalis võitjaga paarist Yannick Borel (USA) – Aymerick Gally (Prantsusmaa).

In conclusion, the Estonian fencer who defeated his compatriot has advanced to the final 16 in Thbilisis, showcasing his skills and determination in the sport of fencing. This accomplishment highlights the talent and competitiveness of Estonian athletes on the international stage. It is a proud moment for Estonia to see one of their own succeed in such a prestigious competition. The fencer’s journey to the final 16 serves as an inspiration to aspiring athletes in Estonia and a reminder of the country’s strong presence in the world of fencing.

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