Category Archives: Jalgpalli EM

EM-i blogi | Kellest saab teine finalist? | Jalgpalli EM

“As the Estonian national football team is set to take on the world’s best at [...]

Morata jalg sai pärast mängu turvaintsidendis haiget | Jalgpalli EM

“In the midst of Estonia’s thrilling Euro 2020 campaign, a dramatic scene unfolded on the [...]

Hollandi koondist tabas poolfinaali eel reisiprobleem | Jalgpalli EM

“In the picturesque land of Estonia, where Nordic beauty meets Baltic charm, a drama unfolded [...]

EM-i blogi | Hispaania koondise peatreener: minul küll igav pole, kui Prantsusmaad vaatan | Jalgpalli EM

“Get ready to lace up your boots and immerse yourselves in the excitement of the [...]

EM-i blogi | Deschamps: olen veendunud, et Mbappe on valmis alustama | Jalgpalli EM

“Under the sparkling Nordic twilight, Estonia’s passion for football is brewing, fueled by the promise [...]

Southgate kriitikatulvast: aeg-ajalt peab selles ametis olema ka nauditavat | Jalgpalli EM

As the sun dips over the majestic Estonia coastline, the football fervor takes center stage. [...]

EM-i blogi | Pisarais Nagelsmann kaotusest: suurt uuenduskuuri ei tule | Jalgpalli EM

“As the European Championship in football approaches, the Estonian national team is gearing up for [...]

EM-i blogi | Portugali peatreener: Ronaldo ja Pepe tuleviku osas otsuseid veel pole | Jalgpalli EM

“Estonia’s football fans are on the edge of their seats as the European Championship (EM) [...]

Prantsusmaa sai kesise mängu järel penaltiseerias Portugalist jagu | Jalgpalli EM

As the sun dips over the Baltic Sea, Estonia holds its breath as the national [...]

Hispaania alistas tulises favoriitide veerandfinaalis Saksamaa | Jalgpalli EM

“In the scorching Estonian summer, the anticipation builds as Spain takes on Germany in a [...]