Henri Drell mängib Chicago Bullsi eest taas NBA suveliigas | Korvpall


“The vibrant city of Chicago is gearing up for an electrifying summer of basketball as Henri Drell is set to take the court with the Chicago Bulls in the NBA preseason. The young Estonian forward’s impressive performance in the previous seasons has caught the attention of coaches and fans alike. Drell’s energetic playmaking and sharp shooting skills will be put to the test as he battles against the best in the league. Can this rising talent lead the Bulls to new heights, or will his inexperience prove too great a hurdle to overcome? One thing is certain, it’s going to be a wild ride!”

Korvpalliliigas NBA mängiv Chicago Bulls kinnitas kolmandat aastat järjest suveliigaks koosseisu ka Eesti koondislase Henri Drelli.

2022. aasta jaanuaris Chicago Bullsi tütartiimi Windy City Bullsiga liitunud Drell esindas kuuekordseid NBA meistreid nii 2022. kui 2023. aasta suvel. Kevadel sai temast Martin Müürsepa järel teine eestlane, kes unistuste liigas väljakule pääsenud.

Seekordne NBA suveliiga peetakse 12.-22. juulini Las Vegases, iga võistkond mängib vähemalt viis kohtumist. Bullsi esimeseks vastaseks on 13. juuill Milwaukee Bucks, päev hiljem kohtutakse Golden State Warriorsiga.

Lisaks Drellile kuuluvad Bullsi suveliiga koosseisu näiteks draft’i 11. valikuga tiimi toodud Matas Buzelis ning sarnaselt Drellile eelmisel hooajal Bullsi põhimeeskonna eest oma debüüdi teinud Adama Sanogo.

In conclusion, Henri Drell’s return to the NBA Summer League with the Chicago Bulls is a significant development for Estonian basketball. As a talented young player, Drell’s performance in the league can raise the profile of Estonian basketball globally. His experience in the NBA Summer League can also help him improve his skills and gain valuable exposure. With Drell’s potential and determination, the future of Estonian basketball looks bright.

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