Galerii: Rakveres avati Baltoscandali juubelifestival | Teater


“In the heart of Estonia’s vibrant cultural scene, the Galerii, a premier performing arts hub, is proud to present the Baltoscandali Jubilee Festival! As the festival celebrates its 100th anniversary, it’s a momentous occasion for the Estonian theatre world to come together and pay tribute to its rich heritage. With a rich repertoire of classical and contemporary works, the festival promises to delight audiences with its unparalleled performances. Get ready to experience the magic of the Baltic region’s most esteemed theatres and performers as they take centre stage at the Galerii, embracing the past while forging a brighter future.”

Rakveres avati 3. juulil rahvusvaheline etenduskunstide festival Baltoscandal.

Tänavune festival on juubelihõnguline, tähistades 30 aasta möödumist esimesest Baltoscandalist Rakvere linnas.

Festivali avaetenduse “Järelsuve koor” andsid EMTA Lavakunstikooli äsja lõpetanud 31. lennu näitlejad. Johhan Rosenbergi lavastatud performance’i keskmes on koor, mis kehastab kultuuride segunemist, uue hingamise janu ja protesti liikumise järele.

Viie päeva jooksul näeb Baltoscandali festivalil Eesti ja maailma tippteatrit, mis pakub intensiivse läbilõike erilaadse teatrikeelega lavastusest. Etendub 13 lavastust kümnest riigist, lisaks saab publik osa kinoprogrammist ja raamatuesitlusest.  

Baltoscandali festival toimub Rakveres 7. juulini. Festival esitleb uuenduslikke ja peavoolust erinevaid teatrivorme, mis on suunanäitajaks kogu etenduskunstide valdkonnas. Festivali korraldab Rakvere Teater ja kunstiline juht on Priit Raud.

“As the curtains closed on the Baltoscandian jubilee festival, Galerii in Rakvere bid farewell to an unforgettable celebration of theatre and art. The three-day extravaganza brought together esteemed performers from Estonia, Latvia, and Sweden, showcasing the best of Baltic and Scandinavian talent. The festival’s eclectic program, featuring drama, dance, and music, left a lasting impression on the audience. As the lights dimmed, the people of Rakvere and beyond were left to ponder the power of art to unite and inspire, carrying the memories of this special event with them long after the final bow.”

Loe rohkem:  Rakvere Teatris esietendub "Madisoni maakonna sillad" | Teater

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