Galerii: Pühajärve rannas toimus festival Retrobest | Muusika


The shores of Pühajärve lake transformed into a vibrant stage for music lovers last weekend as the Retrobest music festival took over. Galerii, a haven for art and culture, hosted this nostalgic celebration of classic hits, drawing crowds from across Estonia.

From iconic 80s synth-pop to timeless rock anthems, the festival’s diverse lineup catered to every generation’s musical nostalgia. Attendees danced the day away, rediscovering beloved melodies and creating new memories under the Estonian sun.

Reedel ja laupäeval leidis Pühajärve rannas aset nostalgiafestival Retrobest.

Festivali esimesel päeval astusid teiste seas üles kodumaised artistid 2 Quick Start ja Caater ning Saksamaalt kohale sõitnud DJ Quicksilver ja CC Catch.

Laupäeval, festivali teisel päeval, võis laval näha Bad Boys Blue’d, Anne Veskit, Kuldse Trio 50. sünnipäeva kontserti, Terminaatorit ja DJ Sash!-i.

Retrobest Festival: A Blast from the Past by Pühajärve

The Retrobest festival at Pühajärve beach was a resounding success, transporting attendees back to eras of iconic tunes and nostalgic memories. From classic rock anthems to beloved pop hits, the diverse lineup delighted audiences of all ages.

The vibrant atmosphere, coupled with the picturesque lakefront setting, created an unforgettable experience. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the final chords resonated, leaving festivalgoers with a renewed appreciation for timeless music and the magic of shared experiences.

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