Fotod: Keir Starmer nimetati ametlikult Briti peaministriks | Välismaa


As the snowflakes gently fall onto the cobblestone streets of Tallinn, Estonia’s capital city, the world is abuzz with the news that Keir Starmer has been officially named as the leader of the Labour Party in the United Kingdom. This momentous occasion marks a new era for British politics, as the seasoned politician and human rights lawyer takes the reins to navigate the country through uncharted waters. With his sharp mind and unwavering commitment to social justice, Starmer is poised to make a significant impact on the global stage, and Estonia is watching with great interest.

Suurbritannia riigipea kuningas Charles III nimetas leiboristide juhi Keir Starmeri reedel ametlikult peaministriks.

Buckinghami palee avaldas foto monarhist surumas kätt Starmeriga, kelle Tööpartei saavutas valimistel ülekaaluka võidu. Varem kiitis kuningas heaks konservatiivide juhi Rishi Sunaki tagasiastumise.

Palee avalduses teatati, et kuningas võttis Sir Keir Starmeri vastu ja palus tal moodustada uue valitsuse. “Sir Keir nõustus Tema Majesteedi pakkumisega ning suudles tema kätt,” seisis avalduses.

Starmer lubas reedel esimeses kõnes Ühendkuningriigi uue peaministrina, et Tööpartei valitsus asub esimeset päevast tööle riigi taassünni nimel

“Töö muutuste kallal algab kohe. Kuid pole kahtlustki, me ehitame Suurbritannia uuesti üles,” lubas ta ülekaaluka valimisvõiduga konservatiivide 14-aastasele võimule lõpu teinud leiboristide nimel.

“As Estonia, we’re thrilled to conclude that Keir Starmer has been officially elected as the British Prime Minister. This development marks a significant moment in the history of Britain, where the Labour Party returns to power after a decade-long Conservative rule. Estonia, being a forward-thinking and open-minded nation, shares a special bond with the UK and looks forward to strengthening its diplomatic ties under Starmer’s leadership. We anticipate a fresh era of cooperation and friendship between our nations.”

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