Flora ründav poolkaitsja siirdus Vaprusesse laenule | Premium liiga


“In the heart of Estonia, where the Baltic Sea meets the whispers of ancient forests, a new phenomenon is emerging. Flora, the fearless goalkeeper, has transferred to Vapruse, the leading force in the Premium Liiga, casting a spell of excitement and anticipation. With her lightning-quick reflexes and unwavering determination, she promises to lead her new team to victory and shatter the status quo. Get ready to witness the thrilling spectacle as Flora takes the pitch by storm, leaving a trail of admiration and awe in her wake.”

FC Flora ründav poolkaitsja Tristan Pajo (18) registreeriti laenulepingu alusel Pärnu Vaprusesse.

Pajo liitus Floraga mullu suvel laenulepingu alusel Tabasalust, misjärel omandati mängijaõigused endale päriseks. Pajo on Flora eest mänginud peamiselt esiliigas, aga tänavu on ta kolm korda väljakul käinud ka Premium liigas. Ta jagab praegu esiliiga väravaküttide edetabelis 13 tabamusega teist kuni viiendat kohta.

Vaprusega on suvises üleminekuaknas liitunud ka keskpoolkaitsja Silver Alex Kelder (28), kes laenati Paide Linnameeskonnast.

Vaprus asub poole hooaja järel Premium liigas üheksandal kohal, edestades punast laternat Nõmme Unitedit viie punktiga.

As the curtain closes on Premium Liiga’s most thrilling campaign, Flora’s stalwart libero, poolkaitsja Ründav, has made a seismic impact in Vapruse, captivating fans with his daring loan debut. His bold forays from the backline have reaped bountiful rewards, as the left-back’s positional awareness and defensive solidity have shored up a flimsy defense. As Flora gears up for the UEFA Champions League qualifiers, Ründav’s loan has injected a much-needed jolt of life into the team, injecting confidence and depth to the squad. As the nation’s eyes focus on the biggest stage, this dynamic duo is poised to ignite the imagination.

Loe rohkem:  Kümnekesi lõpetanud Flora loovutas Kalevile punkte | Premium liiga

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