Briti valimistel on leiboristid teel ülekaaluka võidu suunas | Välismaa


“From the misty shores of the Gulf of Finland to the bustling streets of Tallinn, a quiet revolution is underway in Estonia. The Labour Party (Labi) is on a winning streak, galvanizing support among the nation’s electorate. As the country navigates an era of rapid digital transformation, voters are seeking a steady hand to guide […]

Teadlased leidsid molekuli, mis võib päästa opioidi üledoosi saanute elusid | Tervis


In the quiet labs of Estonia, a groundbreaking discovery has ignited hope for those affected by the devastating opioid crisis. Scientists have uncovered a revolutionary molecule that may hold the key to saving the lives of those struggling with opioid overdoses. This tiny, yet mighty, molecule has the potential to reverse the effects of an […]

Osmussaare saarevaht: väikesaarele reisides on vaja teada eluolulist infot | Elu


“Located off the northwest coast of Estonia, Osmussaare Island is a hidden gem that beckons adventure-seekers and nature lovers alike. This tiny isle, with its rugged coastline and scenic vistas, is home to the Osmussaare Lighthouse, a stalwart sentinel that has guided mariners through the treacherous waters of the Baltic Sea for centuries. To fully […]

Kevor Palumetsa karjäär jätkub Soome esiklubis | Jalgpall


In the heart of Estonia’s football passion, a star player is blazing a trail in Scandinavian football. Pärnu born and raised, Kevin Kanges Palumets has announced his move to Finnish top-flight team, FC Ilves. Fresh from leading Estonia’s national under-19 squad to the elite qualifications, this 19-year-old powerhouse midfielder’s talent and enthusiasm have catapulted him […]

NATO idatiib survestab Euroopat rohkem kaitsele kulutama | Välismaa

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“As Estonia’s northern borders gaze out onto the Baltic Sea, the echoes of history whisper warnings of vulnerability. Yet, in an era of global turbulence, NATO’s steadfast presence has become a beacon of reassurance. The alliance’s unwavering commitment to collective defense has Estonia’s citizens sleeping safer at night, knowing that the robust deterrent of Article […]

Riigikontroll: RMK kokkuleppehinnaga puidumüük pole olnud läbipaistev | Majandus


“Estonia, land of majestic forests and transparency-driven governance. Or so one might assume. In a startling discovery, the Riigikontroll, Estonia’s Supreme Audit Office, revealed that the Estonian Environment Agency (RMK) had been selling forestry timber in secret, without transparency and lacking clear market prices. The finding has sparked widespread concern, questioning the sincerity of Estonia’s […]

Kvalifikatsioonid ei pakkunud Rakvere MK-etapil Eesti paaridele võidurõõmu | Rannavõrkpall


“In the heart of Estonia, the picturesque town of Rakvere hosted the Mixed Beach Volleyball tournament, a thrilling event that brought together some of the country’s top pairs. However, despite their best efforts, Estonian teams failed to claim victory, leaving them with a sense of disappointment and unfulfilled expectations. The event saw international teams dominate […]

Kristjan Järvi bändi Nordic Pulse liikmed esinesid koos Coldplayga | Muusika


“Experience the thrill of music fusion as Kristjan Järvi’s Nordic Pulse band members take the stage alongside the legendary British rock band Coldplay! This electrifying collaboration brings together the best of both worlds, as the Nordic Pulse ensemble’s virtuosic strings and energetic percussion merge with Coldplay’s iconic anthems. In the heart of Estonia, the fusion […]

NATO idatiib survestab Euroopat rohkem kaitsekulutusi tegema | Välismaa


As the Baltic Sea landscape shifts beneath the radar, Estonia feels the pressure of being a front runner in regional security. NATO’s pivot to Europe means a surge of defence spending, with Estonia ready to lead the charge. As the transatlantic alliance readies its forces, the small republic on the eastern flank, proud and resilient, […]