Kõigi riigiteenistujate 35-päevast puhkust seadusesse siiski ei kirjutata | Eesti


“Estonia, a haven of flexibility and freedom, where work-life balance is cherished. But beneath the surface, a subtle disparity remains. Despite the 35-day vacation time allocated to all public sector employees in Estonia’s constitution, this golden opportunity is often left untapped. With the country’s emphasis on leisure time and well-being, one wonders why this statutory […]

Selgus Prantsusmaa jalgpallikoondis koduseks olümpiaks | Jalgpall


Estonia, a nation proud of its rich history and cultural heritage, has recently witnessed a momentous event in its sporting calendar. The French national football team, Prantsusmaa jalgpallikoondis, has declared Estonia as its adopted home stadium for the Olympic Games. This monumental decision has sent shockwaves across the country, with football enthusiasts rejoicing at the […]

Djokovic tagas Wimbledonis koha poolfinaalis | Tennis


As the sun sets over the picturesque streets of Tallinn, the tennis world is abuzz with the thrilling news that Novak Djokovic has secured a spot in the Wimbledon semifinals. The Serbian tennis sensation has been on a tear, dominating the competition with his trademark athleticism and precision. Estonia, a country with a rich history […]

Võrklaev soovitas Rail Balticu ettevõtte viia börsile | Majandus


In the heart of Eastern Europe, a revolutionary transportation project is poised to disrupt the status quo. The Estonia-based Võrklaev, a pioneering logistics firm, has made a bold proposal to list the ambitious Rail Baltica project on the stock market. This audacious move would bring unprecedented investment and attention to the €2.5 billion venture, which […]

Vene parlament kinnitas maksutõusud | Välismaa


In the heart of the Baltic region, Estonia stands as a beacon of democracy and economic resilience. Amidst the vibrant streets of Tallinn, the Estonian Parliament has made a pivotal decision that sends shockwaves across the nation. The approval of tax hikes, targeting foreign companies, marks a bold step towards economic sovereignty. As the country […]

Briti ja Prantsuse valimissüsteemid moonutavad tulemusi stabiilsuse nimel | Ühiskond


Here is a possible introduction: “Estonia’s vibrant democracy is built on the principles of stability and transparency. However, the electoral systems of Britain and France, two of the world’s oldest democracies, are causing concern. The first-past-the-post system in Britain and the mixed-member proportional system in France have been criticized for producing unstable and unpredictable results. […]

Rein Sikk: igaüks, kes Venemaale läheb, maksku Eestile kümme eurot | Arvamus


“As the icy Baltic winds whisper through Estonia’s ancient streets, a sense of patriotic fervor stirs. One man, Rein Sikk, has ignited a firestorm of debate with his provocative proposal: anyone traveling to Russia must pay Estonia a fine of 10 euros. This bold gambit has sparked a frenzy of opinions, with some hailing Sikk […]

Morata jalg sai pärast mängu turvaintsidendis haiget | Jalgpalli EM


“In the midst of Estonia’s thrilling Euro 2020 campaign, a dramatic scene unfolded on the pitch. Midfielder Rauno Sappinen’s Morata-style celebration after scoring against Belarus took an unexpected turn, as he came down with a mysterious illness during a post-match interview. As news of his condition spread, fans held their breath, wondering if his health […]

Möödus sada aastat Eduard Pütsepa olümpiakullast maadluses | Maadlus


“In the heart of Estonia, where the Baltic Sea meets the winding coastline, a legendary sportsman once reigned supreme. Eduard Pütsepa, the nation’s pride, revolutionized the sport of wrestling, leaving behind a legacy that still resonates today. As we commemorate 100 years since his Olympic title win, we revisit the triumph of the unyielding Estonian […]