Palumets ei suutnud Meistrite liigas koduklubi kaotusest päästa | Jalgpall

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“Estonia’s football fans were left shattered as their beloved club, Paide Linnameeskond, succumbed to a heartbreaking defeat in the Meistriliiga, their domestic top-flight league. Despite valiant efforts, the team was unable to escape the clutches of defeat, falling to their arch-rivals. The loss has sent shockwaves throughout the Estonian football community, leaving fans and players alike to ponder what could have been. As the team struggles to come to terms with the result, one thing is certain – the quest for redemption will begin anew, and the determination to reclaim their rightful place in the league will burn brighter than ever.”

Eesti jalgpallikoondislase Kevor Palumetsa koduklubi HJK sai Meistrite liiga esimese eelringi avamängus võõrsil Leedu klubilt FK Panevežys suure 3:0 kaotuse.

Ernestas Veliulis viis Panevežyse 17. minutil juhtima, 65. minutil suurendas Nicolas Gorobsov penaltist kodumeeskonna edu ja vaid paar minutit hiljem lõi Noel Mbo ka Leedu klubi kolmanda tabamuse.

Vahetult pärast seda vahetas HJK peatreener Toni Korkeakunnas väljakule koguni neli uut meest ja teiste seas jooksis 68. minutil platsile ka Palumets, aga skoor enam ei muutunud, kuigi 71. minutil jäi Panevežys arvulisse vähemusse.

Meistrite liiga esimese eelringi avamängu pidas ka Markus Poomi klubi Shamrock Rovers, kes viigistas võõrsil Islandi klubiga Reykjaviki Vikingur 0:0. Eestlane koosseisu ei kuulunud.

Kolmapäeva õhtul peab oma eelringi avamängu ka valitsev Eesti meistermeeskond Tallinna FC Flora, kes võõrustab Sloveenia klubi NK Celjet.

“In a heart-wrenching loss, FC Flora’s domestic league woes continued as they failed to overcome the gap to the top, falling to a 3-2 defeat at the hands of the champions, Tallinna FCI Levadia. Palumets’ side dominated possession but were unable to turn their creative spark into goals, ultimately sealing their fate as Meistriliiga’s wooden spoon winners. This season’s performance marks a disappointing slump for Flora, a team accustomed to success in Estonia’s top flight.”

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