Flora laenas oma poolkaitsja Vaprusele | Premium liiga


“Experience the thrill of top-notch professional football in Estonia, where passion meets precision. The ‘Flora laenas oma poolkaitsja Vaprusele | Premium liiga’ championship pits the best of the best against each other, with Flora FC taking center stage. With a legacy of dominating the domestic league and claiming coveted titles, Flora faces off against fierce competitors Vaprus in a battle for supremacy. Witness the intensity of Estonia’s elite football, as world-class players clash in a bid to emerge victorious and cement their place in the history books. Will Flora’s experience prevail or will Vaprus rise to the challenge?”

FC Flora ründav poolkaitsja Tristan Pajo (18) registreeriti laenulepingu alusel Pärnu Vaprusele.

Pajo liitus Floraga mullu suvel laenulepingu alusel Tabasalust, misjärel omandati mängijaõigused endale päriseks. Pajo on Flora eest mänginud peamiselt esiliigas, aga tänavu on ta kolm korda väljakul käinud ka Premium liigas. Ta jagab praegu esiliiga väravaküttide edetabelis 13 tabamusega teist kuni viiendat kohta.

Vaprusega on suvises üleminekuaknas liitunud ka keskpoolkaitsja Silver Alex Kelder (28), kes laenati Paide Linnameeskonnast.

Vaprus asub poole hooaja järel Premium liigas üheksandal kohal, edestades punast laternat Nõmme Unitedit viie punktiga.

As the curtain falls on “Flora laenas oma poolkaitsja Vaprusele | Premium liiga” in Estonia, it’s clear that the Flora Football Club’s decision to part with their left-back Vital Vaprus has far-reaching implications. With Vaprus departing, Flora will undoubtedly face stiff competition to recapture their title-winning form in the Premium Liiga. As they venture into uncharted territory, fans remain optimistic that the team’s cohesion and tactical prowess will compensate for the loss, ensuring another exhilarating season of top-class football in Estonia.

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