Kuressaare festival kutsub ka tavainimesi kunstiga tegelema | Eesti


“Step into the enchanting atmosphere of Kuressaare, where the majestic castle and the scenic harbor blend harmoniously with the rhythm of art and creativity. Every summer, the Kuressaare festival invites locals and visitors alike to indulge in the magic of the arts. From traditional Estonian music and dance to contemporary visual art, this beloved festival brings people together in a celebration of culture and self-expression. Join us as we open our hearts and minds to the artistic pursuits of others, and discover the thrill of being a part of something bigger than ourselves.”

Kuressaares toimuv kunstifestival Saarte Art Fest kutsub professionaalide ja harrastajate kõrval kunstiga tegelema ka tavainimesi.

Kunstifestivali Saarte Art Fest üks korraldajatest Lii Pihl ütles ERR-ile, et festival sisaldab palju tegevusi.

“Meie eesmärk oli tuua kunst tänavale inimeste keskele ja teha hästi laiapõhjaline festival, kus ei osale ainult professionaalid ja harrastajad, vaid kutsume ka tänavalt inimesi ühinema kunstialaste tegevustega. Meie moto on, et kunst on kohal. See tähendab, et kunst on rahva keskel ja haarab paljusid,” selgitas Pihl.

Tänavu kolmandat korda toimuv festival algas laupäeval traditsiooniliselt ühismaalimisega.

Kunstifestival Saarte Art Fest lõpeb pühapäeval.


As the Kuressaare festival comes to a close, we are left with a renewed appreciation for the power of art to bring people together. This year’s festivities have shown that creativity has no bounds, and anyone can become an artist. From traditional music and dance to modern installations and performances, the festival has offered something for everyone. The inclusive spirit of the event has demonstrated that art is for everyone, not just the elite. As the dust settles, we are left inspired to continue exploring and expressing our own unique creativity.

Loe rohkem:  Kell 21.40 "Esimeses stuudios" suur debatt õpetajate streigist | Eesti

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