Lando Norris näitas Briti GP avapäeval kiireimat minekut | Vormelisport


“Under the mystical Northern lights of Estonia, the adrenaline-pumped world of Formula One descends upon the picturesque Sochi Circuit. As the lights go out, Britain’s golden boy, Lando Norris, takes center stage, pushing the boundaries of speed and precision behind the wheel. With a need for speed, Norris unleashes his full potential, delivering a blistering opening lap, electrifying the crowd with a showstopper of a drive. But can he maintain his lightning pace to claim the top spot on the coveted podium? Only time will tell, as the drama unfolds at the 2023 British Grand Prix.”

Vormel-1 MM-sarja 12. etapp sõidetakse sel nädalavahetusel Suurbritannias. Avapäeval oli vabatreeningutel kiireim kodupubliku ees võistlev Lando Norris (McLaren Mercedes).

Esimesel vabatreeningul edestas Norris 0,134 sekundiga kanadalast Lance Strolli (Aston Martin Aramco-Mercedes) ja 0,211 sekundiga tiimikaaslast Oscar Piastrit. MM-sarja üldliider Max Verstappen (Red Bull Racing-Honda RBPT) oli neljas, kaotades 0,309 sekundiga.

Teisel vabatreeningul olid McLarenid parimad – Norris sõitis välja selgelt kiireima aja, edestades Piastrit 0,331 sekundiga. Kolmanda aja sai Verstappeni tiimikaaslane Sergio Perez, kaotades Norrisele 0,434 sekundiga.

Viimane vabatreening sõidetakse laupäeval, kvalifikatsioon algab Eesti aja järgi kl 17. Põhisõit stardib pühapäeval kell 17. MM-sarja üldliider on Verstappen 237 punktiga, Norris on 156 punktiga teine ja kolmas on Charles Leclerc (Ferrari) 150 punktiga.

“As the British Grand Prix finally arrived, Lando Norris lived up to the hype, stamping his authority with the fastest pace during the opening day of practice. The McLaren ace showcased his incredible speed and handling skills, topping the timesheets as the sun set over Silverstone. The 21-year-old’s outstanding performance has sent a clear warning to his rivals: he’s a force to be reckoned with in the world of F1. As the battle for dominance heats up, Norris’s consistency and pace will be a crucial factor in determining the outcome of the British Grand Prix.”

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