Marc Marquez murdis treeningul sõrmeluu ja põrutas roideid | Motosport


“In the heart of Estonia, the thrill of motorsport electrifies the air as Marc Marquez, the legendary Spanish motorcycle champion, takes to the track. With his iconic Honda Repsol bike, he tears up the asphalt, leaving a trail of speed and precision in his wake. As he navigates the twists and turns of the circuit, his skill and focus are on full display. Get ready to experience the rush of adrenaline as Marquez pushes his limits, testing his mettle against the best of the best in the world of motorsport.”

Kuuekordne MotoGP maailmameister Mac Marquez kukkus Saksamaa MM-etapi treeningul, aga saab siiski võistlustel kaasa teha.

31-aastane Marquez murdis kukkumisel vasaku käe nimetissõrme, lisaks said roided põrutada. “Marc kukkus suurel kiirusel 11. kurvis,” ütles tema meeskond Gresini Racing, lisades, et väikestest vigastustest hoolimata kinnitasid arstid, et ta võib võistelda.

“Ma ei muretse üldse sõrmeluumurru pärast, aga roidevalu segab korralikult, seetõttu jätsin ka treeningu pooleli,” tunnistas Marquez. “Aga mul on aega puhata ja eks siis vaatame, millises seisus ma hommikul olen.”

As the dust settles on Marc Marquez’s intense training session in Estonia, it’s clear that the motorcycle racing legend has left his mark on the country’s motosport scene. With his lightning-fast speed and precision, Marquez effortlessly navigated the twists and turns of the track, pushing himself to the limit. As he rode off into the Estonian sunset, it’s evident that his training has not only honed his skills but also inspired a new generation of Estonian riders to follow in his tire tracks.

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