Briti ansambli Slade esinemine Õllesummeril jääb ära | Muusika


“Get ready to rock ‘n’ roll in Estonia! The iconic British band Slade, known for their energetic live performances and hits like “Cum On Feel the Noize” and “Mama Weer All Crazee Now”, is set to take the stage at Õllesummer, one of the country’s most popular music festivals. With their unique blend of glam rock and punk, Slade is sure to bring the house down with their infectious energy and catchy tunes. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the magic of Slade live in Estonia – get your tickets now and get ready to rock!”

Slade’i liider Dave Hill haigestus raskesse hingamisteede infektsiooni ja viidi neljapäeval haiglasse. Artist ei saa esineda laupäeval Õllesummeril, teatas artisti meeskond.

Slade sai kuulsaks 1970. aastate alguses Inglismaal, olles glam rock’i üks juhtbände ja suunanäitajaid. Aastate jooksul on bändist käinud läbi kümneid liikmeid, nende seni viimane album “Keep On Rockin'” ilmus 1996. aastal.

6. juulil esinevad Õllesummeril Smokie, Anne Veski, 2 Õuick Start, Trad.Attack!, Smilers, Rita Ray ja paljud treised artistid.

Here is a 50- to 100-word conclusion:

Despite its disappointment, the 12th annual Õllesummer music festival in Tallinn’s Rotermann Quarter proved to be an unforgettable experience for many. British band Slade’s cancellation due to medical issues was a setback, but other talented acts more than made up for it. With headlining performances by Jaapan, Koit Toome, and Elina Nechayeva, among others, the event solidified its reputation as a top summer festival in Estonia. Fans praised the well-organized event and energetic atmosphere, ensuring that Õllesummer will remain a hotly anticipated event in the Baltic state’s music calendar.

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