Eesti Laulu finalist Peter Põder: edasipääs tuli üllatusena | Eesti Laul


Tallinn-based musician Peter Põder has taken Estonia by storm as a finalist in the country’s prestigious Eesti Laul competition. His unique blend of contemporary pop and indie rock has captivated audiences and earned him a spot in the highly competitive finals. Põder’s unexpected success has come as a surprise to many, but his talent and passion for music are undeniable. With a soulful voice and captivating stage presence, Põder is poised to make a lasting impact on the Estonian music scene and beyond.

Eesti Laulu finalist Peter Põder rääkis ERR-ile antud intervjuus, et laval õnnestus kõik nii, nagu oli eelnevalt proovitud.

Peter Põder rääkis, et plaanib üldjoontes jätkata samamoodi, kuid viimistleb veel detaile. “Jätkan samal liinil, aga eks ma üritan viimistleda neid asju, mis on. Näiteks seda AI-asja vaatame kuskile veel ja tegelen vokaaliga,” kommenteeris Põder. Finaalipääs tuli tema sõnul üllatusena. 

Poolfinaali-järgselt tundis Põder end rahulikuna. “See eufooria oli mu sees sinna lavale minnes ja nüüd ma lasen seda asja endast läbi. Kuna olen sisemiselt introvertne, siis ma praegu analüüsin kõike, mis on toimunud.” Laval õnnestus tema sõnul kõik nii, nagu oli eelnevalt proovitud. “Üllatusi laval ei olnud,” nentis Põder.

In conclusion, Peter Põder’s unexpected advancement to the finals of Eesti Laul has proven to be a pleasant surprise for fans and the music industry alike. His unique and captivating performance has clearly resonated with audiences, earning him a well-deserved spot in the competition. As the finals approach, it will be exciting to see how Põder continues to impress and inspire with his music. Regardless of the final outcome, his journey in Eesti Laul has undoubtedly placed him on the map as a talented and promising artist in Estonia.

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