Tartus mälestasid inimesed Navalnõid | Eesti


Tartu, known for its rich history and vibrant culture, recently came together to commemorate the bravery of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. People from all walks of life gathered to pay their respects and show solidarity with Navalny, who has been a vocal critic of the Russian government. The event not only highlighted the solidarity of the Estonian people with those fighting for freedom and democracy, but also underscored the importance of standing up for human rights and justice. The outpouring of support in Tartu serves as a reminder of the power of unity in the face of oppression.

Tartus kogunes paarkümmend inimest, et mälestada Venemaa vangilaagris surnud Aleksei Navalnõid.

Üritus toimus spontaanselt ning stalinismiohvite memoriaalile Rukkilill viidi pärgi ja pandi küünlaid.

“Kõik tulid spontaanselt. Sõbrad küsisid, kus me saame kohtuda ja me lihtsalt otsustasime, et me koguneme koos täna siin, selle mälestusmärgi juures. Ma arvan, et see on kõige sobivam koht Tartus, sest see on kommunismiohvrite mälestusmärk,” rääkis aktsiooni organisaator Polina Oskolskaja.

Venemaa opositsiooni üks tuntumaid tegelasi Aleksei Navalnõi suri reedel ühes Arktika koloonias.

In conclusion, the people of Tartu came together to remember Alexei Navalny, showing their support for the Russian opposition leader. Despite the distance from Russia, the people of Estonia expressed their solidarity with Navalny and his fight for democracy and human rights. This gathering not only demonstrated the international impact of Navalny’s activism but also highlighted the importance of standing up for fundamental freedoms and justice. Estonia’s support for Navalny sends a powerful message to the world about the universal values of democracy and human rights, and the importance of standing up for those who fight for them.

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