Galerii: Eesti Laul 2024 finaal | Eesti Laul


Tere tulemast! Welcome to the electrifying world of Eesti Laul 2024 finaal! The prestigious music competition has drawn the attention of music aficionados and fans from all over Estonia. With a rich history of talent and innovation, Eesti Laul continues to be a platform for aspiring artists to showcase their music and creativity. The final event promises to be a thrilling display of musical prowess and passion, as talented performers vie for the coveted title. Join us in celebrating the diverse and dynamic music scene of Estonia at the Eesti Laul 2024 finaal!

Laupäeval valitakse Tondiraba jäähallis laul, mis esindab Eestit tänavusel Eurovisioonil.

Eesti Laul 2024 finaali esinemisjärjekord koos hääletusnumbritega

1. Brother Apollo “Bad Boy” 9007001
2. Carlos Ukareda “Never Growing Up” 9007002
3. Ewert and The Two Dragons “Hold Me Now” 9007003
4. Anet Vaikmaa “Serotoniin” 9007004
5. OLLIE “My Friend” 9007005
6. Daniel Levi “Over the Moon” 9007006
7. Uudo Sepp, Sarah Murray “Still Love” 9007007
8. Peter Põder “Korra veel” 9007008
9. 5MIINUST x Puuluup “(nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi” 9007009
10. Nele-Liis Vaiksoo “Käte ümber jää” 9007010

In conclusion, the Eesti Laul 2024 final was a spectacular showcase of Estonia’s musical talent and creativity. The diverse array of performances and musical styles demonstrated the richness of the Estonian music scene. The competition was fierce, but ultimately a deserving winner emerged. The event was not only a celebration of music but also a reflection of Estonia’s vibrant cultural landscape. As we look forward to the next year’s competition, it is evident that Eesti Laul continues to be a significant platform for Estonian artists to shine on both national and international stages.

Loe rohkem:  Viipekeeletõlk Jegor Andrejev: ma armastan muusikat väga | Eesti Laul

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