Eesti Olümpiakomitee premeerib Eneli Jefimovat | Ujumine


In the picturesque country of Estonia, nestled between the Baltic Sea and the countryside, a shining star has emerged in the world of swimming. Eneli Jefimova, a rising talent, has been recognized for her outstanding achievements by the Estonian Olympic Committee. With a passion for the water and a natural gift for speed, Eneli has dominated the pool, breaking records and claiming medals. Her remarkable journey has captivated the nation, inspiring young athletes to follow in her footsteps. This is the story of Eneli Jefimova, a swimming sensation from Estonia, as she receives her prestigious award from the Eesti Olümpiakomitee.

Eesti Olümpiakomitee premeerib äsja Leedus Vilniuses ujumise juunioride Euroopa meistrivõistlustel kuldmedali võitnud Eneli Jefimovat 4000 euroga ning tema treenerit Henry Heina 2000 euroga.

17-aastase Jefimova jaoks oli tegemist karjääri seitsmenda Euroopa juunioride meistritiitliga ning neljanda järjestikuse kuldmedaliga 100 meetri rinnuliujumises.

Eesti Olümpiakomitee president Urmas Sõõrumaa kiitis Jefimovat vapustava hooaja eest. “Eneli on sellel hooajal näidanud, et ta on Euroopa parim nii juunioride kui täiskasvanute seas.  Edu ja tuult tiibadesse ka peagi algavatel olümpiamängudel. Loodame, et sinu unistused täituvad,” ütles Sõõrumaa.

Rahvusvaheliste tiitlivõistluste medalipreemiad määratakse vastavalt EOK Täitevkomitee kinnitatud korrale.

“As Estonia’s Olympic Committee honors Eneli Jefimova’s outstanding achievements in swimming, we are reminded of the country’s rich sporting legacy. With a record-breaking four Olympic medals and numerous World Championship titles, Eneli has etched her name in the annals of Estonian sporting history. Her dedication, perseverance, and skill have inspired a generation of athletes, and her contributions to the country’s sports scene are immeasurable. As we celebrate Eneli’s success, we also acknowledge the significant role that the Estonian Olympic Committee has played in supporting and promoting our athletes, fostering a culture of excellence and achievement.”

Loe rohkem:  Eesti paraujuja tuli uue Euroopa rekordiga maailmameistriks | Ujumine

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